BiruMetal20 karma2017-10-25 18:07:44 UTC
ending a track can be hard, when is it time for someone else to help you complete a song?
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BiruMetal15 karma2017-10-25 18:26:15 UTC
you've been thumpin' on bass guitar. is one of primal heart's tracks a 9 minute bass solo?
BiruMetal12 karma2017-10-25 18:43:51 UTC
which do you prefer for identifying a Kimbra fan? Kimbro's or Kimbreds?
BiruMetal8 karma2017-10-25 18:03:19 UTC
Kimbra, i have a Korg PolySix synth collecting dust. can i donate to you and your musical cause?
BiruMetal6 karma2017-10-25 18:05:51 UTC
Will the vanity fair ever see a digital release?
BiruMetal20 karma
ending a track can be hard, when is it time for someone else to help you complete a song?
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