Highest Rated Comments

BipedSnowman4 karma

I try to explain this to my classmates and they don't really seem to get it. (The "A different direction than X, Y, or Z" thing is the biggest problem..)

BipedSnowman4 karma

The worst part is that I can't stand failing, but I know it's a good way to learn.

BipedSnowman2 karma

Maybe this is just my school, but don't you have the option to take higher grade courses? I'm in grade the, and took grade eleven math and physics this last term. I can take advanced versions of those courses too, if I want.

BipedSnowman1 karma

I'm a high school student. I've heard horror stories about parents.

I am so, so sorry.

BipedSnowman1 karma

I love phage wars! I don't have a question, just wanted to say that.