Highest Rated Comments

Bioslock22 karma

Thank you for the great games you and our team managed to put out there.

I have not played al of the games you put out there, but I loved Infinifactory and spacechem. There are fond memories for me waking up in the middle of the night, writing down a possible solution I literally dreamed up. Noting it down so I would not forget the following day. To bad my handwriting sucks, especially late at night. So that turned out to be no help at all.

Thank you and good luck with your future plans. Hope they resolve in low cycles with a tiny footprint. =)

Seems there is not really a question in here yet.

Did you enjoy making the puzzles and did players solve them in ways you did not see yourself?

Bioslock8 karma

If Infinifactory is amongst them. I would recommend that one. It is my favourite. Sets you up gently, then makes you swim with sharks.