Highest Rated Comments

Belly8456 karma

I'm in Germany and have been looking to book a photographer. Whereabouts are you located? If I may ask.

Belly8438 karma

Ah, I work in Stuttgart :) and I've always wanted to visit Spain. Maybe we can work something out sometime!

Belly843 karma

Army Officer here. How strict are the rules on fraternization between ranks?

I've only been able to work with a few sailors but it always seemed like there is this very strict divide between enlisted and officers. In the Army, and especially the reserves, it's a bit less formal.

2nd question: Did you have to shower with seawater?

Belly842 karma

Thanks for the reply! I can imagine the level of trust that comes with being in such close quarters for so long, and so far away from everything.

I'd be interested in serving a tour on a ship, or maybe even a submarine one day. I'll probably never get the chance, but ya never know.