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Bekiala389 karma

I thought you all had four vows as opposed to the typical 3. I was with the Cistercians for awhile. They had vows of obedience, change of ways and stability.

What were your vows? All I can remember is you all had something to do with the pope.

Bekiala59 karma

Have you heard any other details about Sol Pais's mental health or if she did indeed make threats against schools?

Bekiala52 karma

This is good to know. My Mom recently passed from Alzheimer's. I called around while she was still alive to see if any studies could use her body/brain. The ones I talked to only wanted the bodies of people they had worked with throughout their lives. It made me happy to know that so many people are willing to donate their or their family members's bodies.

Thank you for your work and time answering questions here.

Bekiala50 karma

Is there any particular type of illness/condition that there is a need of bodies for studies?

Bekiala46 karma

Is this a developing trend or do you think that the crimes are now being reported more or are just getting into the media more . . . .I'm thinking there have been many Saudi students in the US for decades so was this happening 30 years ago?