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BeefChalupa4 karma

Is there a writing division to Imagineering, or for the Disney Parks in general? I'd love to write for Disney someday, but it's not something I've ever been able to find out more information on from anywhere available to me, and I've always wanted to ask an Imagineer on the off chance one would know.

BeefChalupa3 karma

Wow, that's so hugely optimistic, where I was thinking I was pretty much never going to have a shot at living the 'work for Disney' dream. I actually write tabletop RPG's, and have my own company that just recently released my first book, with another coming to print soon and several more (collaborations) in the works. If I can actually market that as a skill, that'd be awesome. I wonder where you even go to start down a path towards Imagineering in that vein..

BeefChalupa3 karma

What about jobs like the writing end of creative design for the parks, or the non-"show" side of things? I don't have theatre experience, but I'm a published writer and game designer, though the latter I doubt would be relevant, most likely.

BeefChalupa2 karma

Personally I'd kill for the chance to write either a Kingdom Hearts tabletop RPG, or something based around the concept behind Sorcerer's of the Magic Kingdom. To even approach Disney for licensing however you need to have been in the industry for at least 5 years, and this is only our second year as a company, if even that.

BeefChalupa1 karma

I'd love to write in pretty much any capacity, but what I specialize in is creative design (in the literary sense) - I wrote a tabletop RPG, several actually but one in print and several more coming soon* (ish).