Highest Rated Comments

Beeclef74 karma

Even if this reply doesn't ever get seen, I have NEVER been more upset about missing an AMA. Please do come back sometime, and know that you have been an iconic influence. You made it acceptable, and even "one of the cool kids" to be offbeat and different. I wish I could tell you what a difference your movies have made to myself and my friends.

Beeclef48 karma

Personally, I love your voice, Joshers!

Beeclef44 karma

My sister stole more from my family than we can ever replace, financially or otherwise. She stole my (very expensive) beloved cello, and it was sold very quickly. When I reported it to the sheriff's dept, I was told there was nothing I could do to get it back, even though I had the original receipt and the sheriff's report. My family's homeowners insurance wouldn't cover it because it was an stolen by a family member. The detective told me that when he contacted the pawn shop owner, they told him it was a cash transaction and there was no record of who bought it. No doubt for a fraction of what it was worth. A friend told me that they ABSOLUTELY have a record of who bought it, and they have to turn in a record sheet of sales daily. Is this true? Was the sheriff's dept just being lazy? This totally broke my heart, and I haven't played cello in a few years because I can't afford a new one. I will never forgive my sister for this. I love her, but this will always be a poison in my heart.

Beeclef9 karma

Chuck is totally never going to let him live that down. Heh heh heh...

Beeclef2 karma

Hi guys! I was lucky enough to meet you when you came to Los Angeles last October (it was my birthday!), and of all the celebrities I've ever met, I was the most twitterpated by meeting you two. Josh, drawing a birthday cake on my poster totally made my millennium. Chuck, you have the greatest laugh I've ever heard. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my favorite days of the week, thanks to you guys!

Okay, enough gushing. Here's my question. Writers are typically more introverted types (for the most part). Was it tough to make the transition into a more "public" role? Is it weird when people recognize you? Did doing the tv show take some convincing?

Thank you for everything, you guys are my heroes!