Highest Rated Comments

Basstissimo168 karma

I've heard of this before--these doctors were trying to get a patient to write on a word processor using just her thoughts and at first they told her to think of it as if she were tying with her own fingers. She could do it, but very slowly. So after a while she just started thinking about making the letters and numbers appear on the screen and the process began to speed up until she was "typing" as fast as anyone else.

NatGeo had a special about this on Taboo--one doctor was called reckless for having a Matrix-style port in the back of his head that he constantly is plugging things into; he's in robotics so his end goal is to be able to plug himself into a computer without any hitches.

People like you make me really amazed with science and hopeful about the possibilities of human beings.

Live long and prosper!

Basstissimo15 karma

They do move in herds...

Basstissimo2 karma

Chopin--Polonaise Heroic, Op.53.

Please make this happen!

Also, is there any work in New Orleans for a bassist these days?

Basstissimo2 karma

How do you like Philadelphia?