Highest Rated Comments

BasedBarry14 karma

Awesome! I grew up in rural VT about as off the grid as you can be without committing to the idea (farmer out in a place called Brownington, Population used to be like 20-40 at any given time). Do you sell produce? I'd gladly buy some for my family still in the state!

BasedBarry8 karma

Probably have a good amount of time to make it to high ground (OR / WA coasts are full of areas above the tsunami line) if you react to the shaking, it's the bridges and structures in the PNW that are historically not up to code, that's changed recently but so much relied upon infrastructure is not earthquake ready. The low lying houses on the coast will be wiped out, it'll be a huge tsunami but if you watch videos of the Japan Tsunami, you can see high ground will save you even in a 9.0

BasedBarry5 karma

I figure Long Beach and everything around it would have a nearly impossible time escaping down to Cape Disappointment, it's essentially a peninsula. As far as rock slides, I can see a lot of the sheer cliffs breaking apart but generally down the OR coast at least there's stable hills behind the coastal towns. Cannon Beach is one of those, Seaside Ecola state park just to the south which is all above the tsunami line as well

BasedBarry2 karma

I'm separating from active duty Airforce here in 6 months. I'm a 6 year Cyber Security guy by trade and an enthusiast by night. Should your business take off, would you be open to any hirings? I'd love to work for an ISP that upholds neutrality.