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Bartelbythescrivener44 karma

http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_usage_of_the_United_States_military Thank You, for your time and service. For obvious reasons members of the military should avoid politics , but given the risk to our capabilities brought on by dependence on fossil fuels, do you have an opinion on a why the DoD hasn't come out in support of alternative fuel research. It seems to make sense for purely strategic reasons. How capable will the military be without readily available fuel sources.

Bartelbythescrivener17 karma

Years of being a womanizing narcissistic lech with dubious business dealings. Said Obama wasn’t american, said he likes soldiers who weren’t captured , said a judge who is a child of immigrants isn’t really american, said a child of immigrants wasn’t a real hero, explained how he sexually assaults woman on tape and that he gets away with because he’s famous, basically said immigrants from Latin American countries are criminals, made fun of a disabled reporter, wanted to ban all Muslims....except for Muslims he takes money from,

question unless you are a government employee ......what was it about him that made you decide to work for him ?

Bartelbythescrivener3 karma

Carver, bukowski, Gabriel Garcia Marquez , Paul Bowles , Jane Bowles, etc etc etc . I read fiction and poetry extensively as a young man. Nowadays I read nonfiction exclusively. Somewhere I lost my passion. Please suggest some writers that will bring back the fire. Before I trapped in a timecapsule of what literature was like pre-2000. Thanks in advance, and do it even though you would prefer.......

Bartelbythescrivener2 karma

dont look at things you cant do, look at things you can do. your just moving sideways