Highest Rated Comments

BarneyBent298 karma

That's fucking Fosters mate.

BarneyBent100 karma

Holy fuck, those tits are magnificent. Had to keep reminding myself that was Timmy.

BarneyBent36 karma

Australians aren't used to being the centre of attention amongst non-Australians. It makes us uncomfortable, unless we have alcohol.

BarneyBent29 karma

Thanks for doing this, I'm sure it can't be easy. Do you have any problems with intimate relationships as a result of your abuse? Have you had any boyfriends? If so, have you told them your past, and how have they reacted?

BarneyBent16 karma

You poor, poor Redditor. Your crowning moment, and it's a 5-hour late reply to a comment that is already more or less buried. I have but one upvote to give, but you deserve more. If I ever have an opportunity to set you up, I'll make sure to do it.