Highest Rated Comments

BallparkFranks744 karma

He's said he would de-schedule it on day 1.

BallparkFranks725 karma

“We need to start hiring more Alabamians to do these jobs”. So like, “Alabama First”?

In all seriousness though, your point about more trade schools and community colleges is about the first thing I’ve agreed with. Kids need to know that they can do just fine without a 4 year degree, and trades are in high demand.

BallparkFranks78 karma

Can you comment on how you plan to fight the CPD when they deny you a debate opportunity after polls that you need to qualify exclude voters aged 18-34? They're purposefully excluding your biggest group of support!

BallparkFranks77 karma

Wouldn’t that also be true if I went to Canada? I tried to emigrate there 6 years ago, and I couldn’t because I didn’t already have a work visa, didn’t have a sponsor, and didn’t have a shitload of money. I just don’t understand why people expect the US to act differently than every other country...

BallparkFranks76 karma

Excellent answer! Thanks!