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I'm not the OP, but I can give some insight here. I live in a state that just legalized marijuana, and after a long, long hiatus of not smoking it at all because it would totally do me in, I walked into a shop and talked to the purveyors- they totally have the kind of weed you're looking for, and were super nice and not a pain about me asking for something that wouldn't totally wreck me. They even had a 0.7% thc strain that was a bit higher on the cbd side that didn't get me high at all, but did make my joints stop aching and let me fall asleep really nicely.

It's happening, and legalization is pushing the openness aspect of it big time.


You just completely stunned me. Thank you so much for these answers, and for being an inspiration in so many ways.


Wooo! fellow NOLS grad. Was John Kempsey one of your instructors/did you meet him? he was a teacher for a course I did in Patagonia in 2011.

Also, as a person who suffered through a 90 day NOLS semester as well, and who has personally been to the peruvian amazon, I would never do what you did. I was in the jungle for 4 days and by the end of it felt like I was going full kurtz. So many bug bites, so much sensory overload, got a cool skin rash that dissolved the flesh on my left arm. Good times.

What would you say the most personally challenging part of the environment was?


Do you get the feeling that Language teachers in general are treated more poorly than other educators at universities?

I've attended about 4 universities, ranging from community college up to more prestigious research institutions, and taken language classes at all of them (Greek, Latin, Spanish, French). While the classical languages might be a special case, without fail all of my (mostly wonderful) instructors have been adjuncts, or primarily teaching other humanities courses simultaneously. Do you think that there is something to that? Is it a product of the system, or a matter of the market?


Awesome- Yeah he was super impressive in the field as well. excellent instructor and very level headed. Ahh fuck man- the bees sound hellish. Wouldn't be excited about them on top of the jungle....

Patagonia. Fuck man- the weather. no question. It was split for us 40 days sea kayaking, 40 ish days mountaineering and then an independent student portion- Pretty sure that it rained 80 out of the ninety days, and not just a drizzle of rain- serious fucking patagonia downpour rain. The real issue is that all of your clothing slowly gets wetter and wetter and there isn't any way to dry it well. I became an expert in using garbage bags to waterproof all of my shit, and it still got damp daily. there are strategies for drying it using hot water in a bottle, or sleeping with it against you, but they only go so far. When mountaineering we wore scarpa hardshell boots, and they were wet literally the entire time we wore them. It was certainly a miserable, if beautiful and wonderful environment.

Second challenges included shitty, awful maps, and running out of food.