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BCSWowbagger2629 karma

"Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide."

--John Adams

BCSWowbagger280 karma

I am sure you get this all the time, but how much did you know about Bester when you started playing him? Did you know from the get-go he was to be a major character for the rest of the series?

Chekov often gets boiled down to just one trait: Russia jokes. The Original Series and even the movies used him to move the plot in some effective ways, but never gave him all that much beyond that and comedy (often Russia comedy). What do you see as Chekov's defining, most important trait, beyond the Russia jokes? His determination? His cleverness? His independence? What makes him special to you?


EDIT: One more: you are doing a lot of fan projects this year -- Renegades is one, Captain Pike another, Excelsior, and more beyond that ... you are undoubtedly the most active member of the original cast today, as we go into the 50th anniversary year, in terms of reprising your original character. Why retire? Did it just get to be tiring? One too many nuclear wessel jokes?

BCSWowbagger227 karma

Woe betide the redditor who innocently crosses paths with the Minnesota karma train.

Brace for downvotes, friend.