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Save the Cat! has a nice part about securing the credit for yourself through the story structure, but you're a: a professional already and b: well past that point.

Still a great book though.


My best day was 4250.

I was moving quickly.

edit: I should add that while that might sound impressive, there are much, much higher single-day numbers out there, and I had great land, and a million other caveats that I'd like to add.


Some do.

I didn't when I realized I made more money while sober.


Ontario, so a joke to you.

I only did one year; had an offer from a crew out west that I was going to join, then tore my ACL during an unrelated activity and ended up in rehab instead. Got a full-time gig after that and... here I am, full-time desk jockey.

Every year around now I troll planting forums and company websites out of nostalgia/irrational impulse so your AMA couldn't have come at a worse/better time hahaha.


I was like your boyfriend. Never went into default, but definitely let a few months slide. He needs to wake the fuck up and take care of of his life or it will be shitty for a long time.