Highest Rated Comments

AxelShoes610 karma

Is your friend a porch light?

AxelShoes84 karma

1.) Do you live in the US now? How difficult was it getting out of Cambodia? 2.)Has Cambodia changed much (culturally, politically, etc.) since the end of the Khmer Rouge? 3.) Why did they use children? Did they just need as many bodies as they could get, or was there some military/propaganda benefit to specifically using children?

Thanks, great AMA!

AxelShoes57 karma

I was a Waffen-SS soldier of the 1st SS-Pz.Div. LSSAH during the war.

No you weren't, you lying sack of shit. Get out.

AxelShoes14 karma

Wow, thanks so much for the thorough answers!

AxelShoes3 karma

Probably the most famous example was President Andrew Jackson just completely ignoring a Supreme Court decision in the 1830s regarding Cherokee sovereignty against the state of Georgia. He's alleged to have responded to the ruling by saying, "[Chief Justice] John Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it." Whether he said those words or not, that was definitely his sentiment, and he simply refused to enforce the Court's decision.
