Highest Rated Comments

AwkwardestPenguin13 karma

Many questions :D

What do you think about the ever increasing size of the DSVM.

What is the difference between ADD/ADHD?

What do you think about Adderall?

What do you think about this dude


AwkwardestPenguin8 karma

For when you graduate?

How did you manage to get a job lined up four years in advance?

AwkwardestPenguin4 karma

Reform seems like a weak word to me...

Can you elaborate on what you think of the North Korean regime?

AwkwardestPenguin3 karma

What kind of qualifications did you need to become a bouncer?

Did you take any kind of self-defense training? Did you get any training from your bar? Or are you just a tough mofo

AwkwardestPenguin3 karma

Damn, that seems painful.

How much do you make? Do you make more then Bouncers in a good neighborhood, as I'd imagine your job is more difficult.