Highest Rated Comments

AutumnLeaves1939147 karma

Are you going to actually answer a question with suggesting a brand/model?? That would ultimately be more helpful than what I’m seeing.

AutumnLeaves193930 karma

I watched on mobile with no problem. It took me straight to YouTube after clicking the second link.

AutumnLeaves19394 karma

We always try to make something practically before going to VFX to see how they could work it. A great example is the waves in KUBO. We were ambitious with that film because grander scenes with elements like rain, ocean, smoke, etc.... and when you’re capturing something frame by frame, you cant control those elements or mimic them in a way that’s believable or on par with our puppet and set quality.

With Coraline most of the backgrounds were just painted on a giant wall canvas. Because we film physical assets we rely on space to film or store everything. If we’re wanting to film overlooking a hill toward the horizon... we just don’t have the space to do it practically. VFX often expands upon the sets we build.

AutumnLeaves19393 karma

ML is the first “comedy” LAIKA has ever done and will be able to reach a wider audience due to it not having a dark/scary tone.

Really appreciate your first impression of Missing Link. Kids movies don’t need to be dumbed down to be enjoyed!