Highest Rated Comments

Athingymajigg3 karma

As someone who has just graduated from university where there were approximately 50% foreign students on my course, it was not really that big of a problem. The majority of these students could speak English just as well, if not better than most of the domestic students. Admittedly there were a few that really couldn't be understood but the chances of getting grouped up with one of them is much lower than getting grouped up with a lazy sod that could speak English perfectly and did less work anyway.

Besides as we were told many times, a large reason of doing group projects is learning to work with people that you may not get along with or just wont do any work etc. I'm quite likely going to be working with people that cant speak English very well and the very rare occurrences of this has given me some practice in dealing with this situation.

I think there was ONE group project where I was grouped up with someone that I couldn't communicate with in the whole three years that I was there. This was also during the first semester of first year which didn't really matter towards my overall grade. By the time second and third year roll around the students have been in the country for at least a year in which they have usually picked up the language very well.

Athingymajigg-1 karma

im currently studying engineering and the idea of working on an oil rig appeals to me as i like the idea of a portion of time being spent workign hard and then the next being completely free. what are the possibilities available to me and what could i expect to make. are there any reasons you would advise me against doing so as well?