Highest Rated Comments

AsthmaticHummingbird691 karma

Yes, please do this!

AsthmaticHummingbird534 karma

Also, that women can sexually assault other women or girls. They don't tell little girls to look out for that, they usually just hear "look out for men."

Edit: Anyone can be a victim of assault, I was simply speaking as a woman who was molested by older girls when I was a child. I didn't realize I was a victim because girls didn't do that. (From my understanding at nine years old.)

AsthmaticHummingbird86 karma

Just adding to the great points you made.

AsthmaticHummingbird65 karma

I was speaking on a personal level how I was told to be careful of men when I was young. But yes, anyone can abuse anyone.

AsthmaticHummingbird53 karma

Fucked up question... Do you think it's possible the dog died so they lied about it?