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Argikeraunos9 karma

Do you consider the United States to be an empire, and do you think that American global hegemony has been a net positive or net negative for, specifically, the global south?

If you'd like to answer a second question, what do you think are the long-term impacts of the ideology of the war on terror, however you choose to define it, on the US population's view of America in the world?

Argikeraunos4 karma

Congratulations!! Do you mind if I ask how old you are, and what you do, or did before treatment became intensive? Has this caused any reflection on your part, or any desire to do things differently now?

Argikeraunos4 karma

Thanks for your answer! By global south I refer to what during the Cold War was traditionally called the "Third World," that is by and large South America, Africa, parts of Asia and Oceania. If you'd like to comment on a specific area, say Latin America, feel free.

Argikeraunos3 karma

Thanks for sharing, and sorry for the repetitive question! Wishing you the best!