Highest Rated Comments

Argh_ImaPirate127 karma

My girlfriend just answered yes if my partner wants to for everything, so it wasn't that useful.

Argh_ImaPirate34 karma

Are you related to the Violinist Ling Ling? And what are your thoughts on practicing 40hrs a day?

Argh_ImaPirate17 karma

Not OP, but I was an equipment operator for a Frac operator in Midland/Odessa and my crew ran 6 days on 3 days off. We had a couple dither crews that ran 15/6 and 5/2 and one crew ran this weird compressed 6/1 then 5/2 schedule.

Argh_ImaPirate11 karma

What do modern chemical officers actually do? I don't think I've ever met one that wasn't an assistant BN S3 or something.

Argh_ImaPirate8 karma

Wanna go?