Highest Rated Comments

Arconic760 karma

I loved your performance in Battlestar Galactica. your portrayal of the rage and anger that Cavil had at Humanity for having created him so flawed and fragile, not the perfect being he felt he should be, really stood out as a highlight of the whole show for me.

It seemed like this was the meat of the whole character, and the source of his hatred and cold personality. Did you feel you got to really do him justice and really explore the character by the end of the show?

As arguably the man who knew him best, how to you view Cavil's choice to kill himself rather than be taken as a prisoner or killed by anyone else?

Arconic131 karma

That's really interesting that something so momentous as arguably the main villain's last defining act was something you guys developed in rehearsal. Were those kind of choices often left into the actors hands?

I know it's a moment that has created much talk about the character ever since, how do you feel about it looking back?