Highest Rated Comments

Apozor2 karma

I've been playing Incognita Invisible, Inc since the first alpha and i'm impressed with the updates so far. Just played a bit and I really love the last update (great voices and nicer UI).

But, where's the robot ? I really liked him.

Also, what can we expect in the next updates ? Is there a way to rebind the keys yet, I'm using an azerty keyboard.

Thanks and keep up the good work !

Apozor1 karma

I really enjoyed your game ! It's difficult but when I fail, I can only blame myself. It needs more levels though :)

I have a quick question/suggestion. Why is it a cube ? It feels much more like a circle. It reminds me when I was a kid and tried to play with a balloon on the tip of my finger.

Some ideas to expand a bit the gameplay: A race against an AI ? Some labyrinth maybe ? Why not some fans to create a random flow you need to compensate ? Maybe a need to change the color of your cube in order to use a portal/lever ? Just random thoughts :)

If you want to reach a larger audience, you should start by posting it on other websites such as kongregate, notdoppler, armorgames etc. You can also post it on /r/WebGames and /r/playmygame for instance.

Keep up the good work !