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Anomander870 karma

Hi, I'm a mod for /r/coffee. BRC have been a persistent - unwelcome - presence in our community pretty much since their inception almost entirely with similarly shady approaches. BRCC have the dubious honour of being the first auto-report condition we ever needed to add to automod, and the primary reason we started using automod at all.

I can't prove shit. But that's kinda the goal of effective shilling, innit?

However, at this point, even normal people who like BRCC end up having a shitty time in our community because folks assume they're paid shillls like the last ten guys. There's a pattern that's pretty hard to ignore, even if community / mods can't conclusively prove a specific case.

0-day accounts or clearly 'purchased' accounts popping up to tell us about the great coffee they've found, or asking if we've heard of it and wanting our opinions - you know, anything that gets the name out without reading too much like an overt advert ... All of which would be fine other than the fact that no other company has this happen to them & their products at this scale, pace, and utterly without other, normal, users having similar questions.

We've also noticed a pattern of - if not shilling - attempting to leverage their devoted customer base to "not shill" about a product they're fans of; every now and again we'd get a deluge of otherwise genuine-looking accounts from military or gun subs wanting to tell us how much they love shooting things while drinking patriotic BRCC coffee.

This AMA, from stooge accounts, selective answers, and the purchased ads for it ... this is classic BRC. This is exactly what we've come to expect from them. Shit, the whole thing could probably have gone dope and never turned on them if they just played it honest ... But BRCC, dudes. Always gotta try and grab a little extra on the way.

Anomander131 karma

Real life never looks as good as the movies.

Anomander63 karma

I've just started studying now.

On a scale of 0 to Tiger Woods, how fucked am I?

Anomander48 karma

I can't wait to see you roll up at a tournament and flaunt something like that.

Are you working on competing with TLO? Some sort of beard-off?

Anomander43 karma

It would be, for sure. I wish I had, now; though I may have missed that boat by not starting five+ years ago, TBQH.

It's not like Reddit Searchâ„¢ is gonna get me anywhere, and removed spam isn't even indexed like normal posts sort-of are; while the odds that they see this and subtle up in response are pretty solid.