Highest Rated Comments

AndNowIKnowWhy25 karma

I second all you said and wanted to throw in an extra thanks for the truly poetic 'Prelude to War'. It's like sitting on a ridiculously fast wooden sledge and rushing down a mountain in the dark. Brrr... and when I think of the moment in the series... shiver

AndNowIKnowWhy18 karma

Trial by kissing might be neccessary.

AndNowIKnowWhy18 karma

I'm melting.

AndNowIKnowWhy13 karma

I wholeheartedly agree. The fearmongering, certain leaders showing all kinds of signs an behaviour of the worst demagogues, the hatefull outbursts not only by civilians on facebook but also people with larger platforms (like all kinds of fox news shows..)... Mistrust, disregard and intolerance are pushed. Next station: enemy framing.

Take it from a german, the parallels are shitty. We have a word for what Hitler did to consolidate power, it's Gleichschaltung. When Erdogan fired 2745 judges I though: it's happening.

Another thing back in 1933 was the Parliament building fire. It was abused to pass a multitude of laws that led to Hitlers seizing power legally. Freedom of expression, press, to assembly, secrecy of post an phone.. all gone. Next station: The first concentration camps.

AndNowIKnowWhy12 karma

Cue Explosion