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AmpherosMedia20 karma

Hey, Cheng-Ying here. I knew this question was going to come up sooner or later, and the answer is no: it was spat out by a random name generator, sounded nice enough as a placeholder, and it just stuck.

One day we'll find a good explanation for it beyond "fate I guess" though!

AmpherosMedia11 karma

Operations-wise we have content creation, website design, social media, and media production. Of content creation, which is our biggest division, we are divided into geographical regions: North/South America make up Region One, Russia/EU/Middle East make up Region Two, and the Asia-Pacific region makes up Region Three. This helps keep track of members.

Regional directors host regional meetings for announcements, region-specific projects, progress reports, and feedback. Then there are (less frequent) director meetings that ensure everything is on track and everyone is still on the same page.

Since we're a student organization, funding is minimal. We get funds from competition and scholarships, but as a part of our goal to be as unbiased as possible we're being extra careful with who we go to when seeking sponsorship from individuals or organizations. As such, there isn't much of an operating budget to speak of. (Also we're only barely one year old so there's an issue with the "annual" part)

AmpherosMedia10 karma

[Justin speaking]

I'm Taiwanese based in Taiwan, my region consists of members from Taiwan, China, India, Pakistan, and the UAE. There are European and Russian members, among others, in Region Two. Region One is mostly US but I believe we have operations in South American countries too.

We find and reach out to people either via email, acquaintances of acquaintances (of acquaintances... it's acquaintances all the way down), the internet, or the occasional "we just happened to meet at an event" connection.

Stories wise, we cover current news, education, tribal and cultural minorities, and last October there was a brief run of short horror stories that tied into social issues we wanted to bring to light

AmpherosMedia8 karma

There was an article in the works about Kashmiri Pandits, but we felt that there wasn't much new information to discuss that wasn't already available from other news sources. It's definitely a topic that we'll consider returning to in the future!

AmpherosMedia8 karma

None. No, really