Highest Rated Comments

AmericanWillis8 karma

Cat! How the heck do you make Mac n cheese or just cheese sauce from a roux with out getting that grittiness... I've tried all the tricks and trade. Drives me insane.

AmericanWillis7 karma

Omg. I have a serious addiction to barbecue popchips. You just went up in my book.

AmericanWillis6 karma

Yay! I will most definitely try that. My Mac n cheese addiction continues :)

AmericanWillis2 karma

Thank you for your service. I'm very lucky to say I still have both my grandparents (94 & 93yrs) and listening to them speak about their past has truly been eye opening and a blessing.

I have no questions, but just wanted to say my thanks and I hope people treat you kindly. I've encountered a lot of snotty teens who don't respect our elders and it makes me want to shake them straight. It seems like people forget that, yes we've had significant things happen in our time (Generation Y) however our elders have lived through everything we have and more. So much respect for everything you have been through.

OP, so great you still have your Grandpa. Cherish the moments as much as you can. Love that you two are taking the time to do this.

AmericanWillis1 karma

With news being so regulated, are there any limitations that HBO makes you abide by? Or do you get to report it as raw as it truly is?