Highest Rated Comments

AmazingFuckinAtheist438 karma

I am a masochist and a submissive, sexually, and I enjoy being degraded, humiliated, having pain inflicted upon me, etc. Occasionally, I would meet doms of both sexes online who would make requests of me. 99% of these doms have been discreet and not shared my content with the internet at large, but there's always going to be some unscrupulous fuck who can't resist leaking something juicy.

I am not embarrassed by this tape or by anything else I enjoy. Obviously, I would prefer if such things remained private, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over my privacy being violated. I don't concern myself with situations beyond my control--and anyone who would judge me for my sexuality is not someone whose opinion I respect anyway.

AmazingFuckinAtheist373 karma

I wish that it was more of a forum for discussion rather than just another dump for bad memes and facebook troll posts.

AmazingFuckinAtheist202 karma

"Atheism+" is really just one groups attempt to turn non-belief into something as dogmatic as belief. Being free from the constraint of religion should, in my opinion, free one from adherence to some monolithic moral code that demands we substitute our own judgment with groupthink.

I think it's Atheism PLUS all of the dogmatic bullshit I was running away from in the first place.

AmazingFuckinAtheist157 karma

Married life suits me very well. I am an attentive and loving partner and I really do give it my all every day to make and keep my wife happy. This, in turn, makes me happy. I love waking up every day and knowing that, no matter what the rest of the world may think of me, I've got someone who I love completely and who loves me back as completely.

AmazingFuckinAtheist144 karma

Falling in love, smoking weed, aging, etc.