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Amanda-the-Panda18 karma

It id my belief that Disney intends to deliberately loose this case, returning control of Spider-Man (And others, but crucially Spider-Man) to the estate of Steve Dikto. From there I believe they intend to negotiate for the use of Spider-Man with Dikto's estate for exclusive use of the Spider-Man character in their movie properties.

In short, whilst this is my instinct, I don't know the legality and ins and outs of such a plan. Is it feasible that this is what could be taking place?

Amanda-the-Panda16 karma

The Short story in the relatively new book 'From a Certain Point of View" seems to suggest that both Obi-Wan and Vader start slow because they don't want to exhaust themselves too quickly by overextending. The fight ends before it really picks up due to Obi-Wan's decision to sacrifice himself, knowing it is the only way to get Luke to go to safety.

Amanda-the-Panda4 karma

If that is the case then why is the state of Steve Dikto suing Disney for the rights to Spider-Man.

Sony owns the film rights to Spider-Man. They sold back most of the other rights back to Marvel in 2011 whilst facing Bankruptcy. Other rights have been shuffled around, such as the television rights, as part of the deal to allow Spider-Man to appear in the MCU, but Disney owns the character.

Amanda-the-Panda3 karma

Big up from a fellow Salford alumni!

Amanda-the-Panda2 karma

Bit late here, but as I randomly stumbled across you I should say, the sound quality on your files is pretty good as far as I am concerned.