Highest Rated Comments

Aman50k75 karma

I'll be attending one of your gigs for the first time this summer? Any advice, aside from not shouting out "LIAM!"?

Also could you please play an acoustic version of Go Let it Out sometime soon? It's one of my favourite tunes of yours!

Aman50k3 karma

Hi Noel, as one of your younger fans (I'm 17) I'd like to say thanks for still putting out such great music and giving me something other than the mainstream hip hop nonsense to indulge myself in.

I've read up on Oasis extensively and the amount of insane incidents you went through as a band are absolutely fucking brilliant. (my favourite is when Liam woke up on the second day of Knebworth completely unaware that there was a second show). Would you ever consider making some sort of an Oasis movie on the basis of such a turbulent yet inspiring experience as a band, and if so who would you cast to play you?
