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AmAttorneyPleaseHire117 karma

Attorney here. I personally do not approve of what he did. Congress is supposed to legislate and put this into law. I feel Obama overstepped. It's one of the few actions Obama took I disagreed with. The other being defunding NASA

AmAttorneyPleaseHire28 karma

Do you have any advice for someone that would like to try to become an actor at one of these? I’m a bigger guy, 6’4”, hefty, and I feel like my body and frame would lend itself extremely well to playing one of those characters. I just don’t know how you break into it or where to even inquire. I’m not looking for pay or anything - I’d love to be able to do what you do, I just don’t know where to start.

Also, phenomenal photo of you in full costume in the hospital bed, lmao.

AmAttorneyPleaseHire27 karma

Your tax question is completely different in almost all legal aspects. Doesn't make sense to ask a question like that, trying to infer some comparison. You may have well just asked "If Trump stated his Presidential term limit is void, and he is now emperor of the Republic of the United States". You're trying to use one outrageous example to prove that a questionable act from Obama is 100% definitely against the law. This is why people are stating your questions are hostile.

EDIT - I really hate Android's auto correct.

AmAttorneyPleaseHire16 karma

Keep them. Are you kidding me? Send them back to a country they have no memory of, and have no home with? You'd literally be destroying the lives of contributing people, and for what?

AmAttorneyPleaseHire15 karma

If in the SUPER RARE occasion an unpaid debt has reached its state’s statue of limitations, that doesn’t prevent the debt collectors from contacting you and asking you to pay.