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Aloh4mora59 karma

I often hear teachers say that the kids are great and they love the actual teaching part, but the parents and school administration makes their life a living hell. Do you feel your background in the corporate world has prepared you for these situations?

Aloh4mora1 karma

I experience a lot of anxiety that is completely unwarranted. As a result, I have created a life where I purposely undershoot the goals I could hit just so I don't experience any distress when I'm not 100%. And I have achieved a lot for my age, and by outward signs I would be considered relatively successful.

As part of my coping strategy, I tell myself that my anxiety is actually GOOD because it means I have achieved a lot in comparison with others. So part of me doesn't want to let go of the anxiety.

But I am also suffering a lot due to all this anxiety that has no basis in reality. I want relief.

How do people who secretly like their anxiety, even as it hurts them, finally decide to let it go? How can this anxiety be discarded? I want to stop feeling this way all the time. It feels like I'm in an abusive relationship with myself.