Highest Rated Comments

AllmightyAllrighty0124 karma

Rupe's papers have made their own bed here. 2013 was the first year they ramped up their influence that I am aware of but I am sure it's been happening for a while.

2016 saw further influence and ultimately bought on the downfall of a PM who if you asked the majority of Australian's had a real chance of bringing us together.

Enter the conservatives at this point backed by Rupe's papers and hey presto we are a week out from what I feel will be a solid lesson for the so-called Liberal Party in 2019.

Bring on some further regulation of our media landscape I say.
It can only get better.

AllmightyAllrighty016 karma

I feel a fresh read of Kitchen Confidential coming on again... It's been years since I picked it up so thanks for the inspo.

AllmightyAllrighty014 karma

I definitely need to check these out.

AllmightyAllrighty014 karma

Can we agree on schlong vice dong?

AllmightyAllrighty013 karma

Noted. Cheers.