Highest Rated Comments

Ahhl3x4 karma

As an abuse survivor, I think how you're helping to get the word out is awesome. One of the things that helped me cope was forgiveness. I prosecuted my abuser but asked the state to give a less severe sentence than he would have gotten, although I understand your reasons and fully agree that in this type of situation he should be locked up.

"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you"

Have you thought about forgiving your step father?

Ahhl3x3 karma

Understandable, my ex also has shown no remorse, and recently attacked me in public.. Restraining orders are a joke.. Sometimes it's easier to understand that they are incapable of feeling remorse(sociopath). Anyone who would consciously decide to do the things they have done repeatedly will probably never have a change of heart. Some things we will never understand. Keep doing what you're doing! Very motivating.