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AgregiouslyTall130 karma

Yep. And eventually that candy is replaced by crack and other drugs. Shits fucked up.

AgregiouslyTall100 karma

Not only that, ‘the real Sopranos’ actually watched the Sopranos and would joke about who is most like who to the point where the FBI has recordings of them referring to each other as their ‘Soprano’ names.

AgregiouslyTall33 karma

I always thought it was a bit naive and egotistical of people to think other animals did not have a level of intelligence and emotions to an extent. I don't understand how people could think any farm animal doesn't understand death or get upset when their farm companion goes away for slaughter. And past farm animals how people even think/thought hunting game isn't capable of intellectual though. Personally, I think all animals have some level of consciousness and conscious though about themselves along with a wide level of emotions. Thinking only humans are capable of these things shows humans tend to forget that they are animals all the same.

AgregiouslyTall23 karma

DeCavalcante crime family.

Here’s a link to a documentary on it.


AgregiouslyTall22 karma

Holy shit, how has no one in Texas fought that thumbprint DMV bullshit?