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AbulurdBoniface94 karma

It was 'audited' and OP's account was negative 111 hours. That's the biggest crock of shit you can think of.

Because these are people with a phenomenal work ethic they are heinously abused by the system that makes their pay check an unbelievable mess, they don't get the things they are entitled to (but the administrators, it's fantastic how that works out all the time) they get everything that's coming to them. AND then they don't even get sufficient PPE.

Tell them they have 3 days to get it sorted or they're going to have to deal with the patients themselves.

At some point you're going to have to show them that you are just as readily prepared to be a bastard as they are.

AbulurdBoniface31 karma

You can always fire one guy. Or two. That's always possible.

You can't fire everybody. Somebody needs to do the actual job.

It's the same reason people should stand up against a dictator, but all the people at the same time. You can't just kill everybody, who are you going to rule when they're all dead?

By the same token, if everybody walks at the same time, that's a systemic failure of the system. One guy will always be cut down. In fact, the voice that speaks up is the dangerous one, as well as the first follower. Those are the instigators. Chop off that initiative, it dies down.

If everybody walks, what are they going to do? Don what's left of the PPE and do a shift in the COVID ward? And what happens after that?

This never happens because people don't believe they can do it. But if they actually did it then the machine grinds to a halt and something has to change. Firing the entire faculty is not an option. Somebody's got to look after the patients, right?

Never act as one person, that's a lost cause. When the collective walks, the machine stops cold. Now it's the administration that has a problem.

Also, and let's not conveniently forget that: doctors and nurses are dying, right? It's not a fucking kindergarten, is it? They actually die. They actually work ungodly shifts, without proper gear, because leadership failed on a massive scale. Doctors and nurses bare the brunt of that.

And on top of all that they can't even protest? How very fucking convenient.

AbulurdBoniface31 karma

There you go. Chapter and verse.

Thank you kindly.

AbulurdBoniface19 karma

You have to put your foot down. This crisis is not a joke. You tell your management: either you get us our gear or you're going to take care of the patients yourself.

"If you don't pay us, you're going to pay the undertaker."

It would be a heinously brutal thing to do but it would drive the point home.

AbulurdBoniface10 karma

You're 100% correct.

However, if you allow them to walk over you, they will walk over you. They're not stopping that out of their own accord.

I have seen, time and again, that the corporate entity is more than happy to run people into the ground. They make no bones about that. They're perfectly fine turning your life into a living hell.

Never care about those who don't care about you. It won't make you happy.