Highest Rated Comments

AbominableSpaceDog96 karma

"My shoes hurt too, dad."

AbominableSpaceDog65 karma

Thanks for your help putting the Birthday Boys on TV. It really is so so fantastic.

AbominableSpaceDog6 karma

Would you quit poppin' their stones?

AbominableSpaceDog5 karma

That's Cool!

AbominableSpaceDog5 karma

You guys are fantastic. One of my favorite TV shows.

Your show has a very distinct voice, and even after 1 season, things really feel like Birthday Boy sketches. Specifically season 2's "Girls Are Funny" episode, in the sketch with the "Just a guy with a basketball up his dress" the way you decided to play the two skeptical guys in the end was such a "Birthday Boys"esque move. I couldn't imagine anyone else coming up with that choice or playing it like that.

I also love how you address conflict - its very rare that there are 6 people doing something "weird" and then 1 typical straight man just pointing out the weirdness. Instead its feels like 7 people all on the same page in regards to weirdness.

How tangible is "voice"? When you are writing, do you re-write until every part of a sketch "feels" like it's "Birthday Boys"? Or is it automatic/natural at this point after working together so long?

Finally, Ham Hat.