Highest Rated Comments

AbeFromanLuvsSausage3 karma

At the distillery I work for in Chicago, we fermented 100% maple sap and are in the process of polishing the distillate. It tastes really amazing. I think its cool that you guys are sticking to the maple spirit route.

Do you make any other products that you sell? Our owner has recently gone crazy with all of these side products, (5 fruit brandies, fermented chestnuts, etc.) but vodka and gin is our bread and butter. We make some really tasty vodka from wheat and rye. What made you want to do a maple spirit instead of something typical?

Finally, what relationship, if any, do you have with other craft distillers in your local market?

AbeFromanLuvsSausage3 karma

I work in hospitality, so I think I’ll be able to work just about anywhere. How would you rate your quality of life growing up and now looking back? Did your parents make decent money? Did you feel privileged or well-off?

AbeFromanLuvsSausage2 karma

So when are you guys coming back to Chicago? Hopefully next time you won't come during NATO weekend again...

Here's a picture I took of my buddy helping you set up your rig before the Chicago DDP: http://imgur.com/8ZnUUYf

We had a blast! Party on dude!

AbeFromanLuvsSausage2 karma

Did you get to know any other government employed families? My fiancé is nearly done with the prerequisites to be a foreign service officer, but I am not a government employee. Did you see any other couples/families where one person worked for the government, but the other person worked locally?