Highest Rated Comments

APence189 karma

Thank you. Down votes are for something unrelated or distasteful in a thread. Not for an open response that answers the question honestly. I'm an atheist but I will never shun someone for what they believe or I'm no worse. Boo on you today, Reddit

APence85 karma

Thank you for your insightful, informative, and nuanced reply.

APence32 karma

What would you say is the biggest inaccuracy in how movies and TV portray the suits? Also what is the thing you are most excited about in the near future of spacesuits?

APence2 karma

Hey captain! I just wanted to say thanks for the entertainment! I found you when the YouTuber sovietwomble praised you for about 10 minutes on his stream. I was curious if you would ever consider doing a guest appearance on one of his bullshiteries? I'm sure it would make his day and probably give you some much-deserved subscribers! Keep it up!

APence1 karma

"Sixth Annual End of the World Tour!"