Highest Rated Comments

ALighterShadeOfPale24 karma

That's sad. How did they react when they found out you were ok and it was a set up?

What were you doing inside the home at the time the paramedics and coroner were in there?

I'm so glad you are okay and they caught him!

ALighterShadeOfPale16 karma

Have you or do you expand your business to overseas shipping? I ask because my husband is a tabletop gamer of many different games, historical to sci fi and he's always looking for places to buy figures from (we are in Canada so to find a shop similar to yours is few and far between)

ALighterShadeOfPale6 karma

People's whose career it is to write books to obtain money from selling them, do you think with digitalizing and making them free will decrease the number of authors?

ALighterShadeOfPale4 karma

Hi Cat!! I really hope I'm not too late!! You are my favourite Iron Chef to watch!!

I always wonder, is there any food you don't like/won't eat?

I often see really odd foods on the show and other cooking shows and everyone seems fine eating them while I'm nearly gagging!

ALighterShadeOfPale2 karma

I never thought of it that way, thanks for the insight :)