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91cosmo2 karma

Few years ago i was having a stroke and didnt know. All but one of my veins in my brain was clogged from a giant blood clot.

Doctors gave me so much morphine i pissed myself when asking to go to the washroom i was so out of it. Id been asking to go for hours but couldnt stanf without fainting and collapsing so they wouldnt let me up to go. Doctors said they had no idea how i worked for 3 days while my blood clot would have been steadily getting worse.

Never in my life do i want to feel that pain again. I couldnt even keep a sip of water down without puking.

91cosmo1 karma

Same here. Severe and i mean SEVERE headaches. Kept collapsing. Fainting. Etc. Went to the hopsital 3 times.

Only on the last visit did the doctor, on a whim, injected me with dye (makes you feel like youll piss yourself, everything warms up inside of you, unpleasant), gave me a 4th ct scan and found the clot.

I was back in my bed by that time and heard the doctor literally run to my exam room and he already had blood thinner iv bag with him, one that usually only specialists are allowed to give but i was so close to potentially dying i was put on it right away and given that massive dose of morphine.

All this at 34 years old. Was in the best health of my life (very avid cyclist biking thousands of kilometers a spring/summer). Genetic mutation on my prothrombrin gene makes me susceptible to blood clots...Found that out the hard way.

91cosmo1 karma

I get the barometric one for sure. I grew up at sea level and moved to the rockies. Here its well over 3000feet above sea level, we get these things called chinooks and temperatre will go from -20 to +20 celcius in hours and ill get headaches.

But you are then basically having a reaction to the shedding of the mast cells? As in histamine is being released, thus causing an allergic reaction same as people to pollen or pet dander or whatever else?

91cosmo1 karma

What causes an allergic reaction with elevation change? Does the pressure changes just affect you more due to hypersensitivity? Thats the one im most puzzled about.

The loud noises and bright light ones would, i suppose, fall under that kind of tangent that puzzles me.