Highest Rated Comments

8rg6a2o48 karma

Rick, thank you for doing this AMA, and brace yourself to be overwhelmed by comments.

My question: is there one definitive website or article that outlines the health benefits of cannabis based on scientific studies? This bookmark could help many of us who are fighting this battle online.

8rg6a2o4 karma

Thanks to everyone on the ISON team for what you're doing.

It's a pity that a stupid post about a fucking TV show has 10 times as many votes as this one. Say a lot about our twisted priorities as a nation when entertainment generates so much more interest than science.

8rg6a2o1 karma

Working for a free room happens, but it's not easy to come by these things. It usually requires staying there for at least 2 weeks, getting along with the workers there, and showing you commitment to making a good hostel. Inquire as you go, because it's a good way to defray travel costs.

8rg6a2o1 karma

The "backpacker's companions" are an increasing issue, but still pretty rare. It could happen from time to time (as it can in hotels), but isn't catastrophic. If you get bit one night, just let them know and they'll move you to a new room and bomb your former room.

8rg6a2o1 karma

There's a minimal amount of cash needed to travel, even on a shoestring budget. Round The World air tickets are generally about $4-6k US (although better purchased in London), which gives you 10-12 flight segments on partner airlines around the world.

Working in hostels can defray costs, but generally you'll need to work under the table. Picking fruit, playing music on the street, and waiting/bartending can help pay some bills, but it's never easy to get ahead doing this, but you might be able to break even. Make up a way to make money, like starting a GoFundMe or selling trinkets/necklaces as you go too.