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8--Analbumcover--821 karma

Yes, I know this is a mental disorder. No, I don't know what it's called.

I went on a walk in the woods with my parents earlier today. I was in front. At one point, I heard a weird noise, so I looked back and my mum wasn't where I expected.

(Well, actually I thought she was behind me wen I walked two sides of a triangle, but she apparently took the other side, like a shortcut, and got in front).

For some reason, I panicked and thought that someone had kidnapped and replaced her in those few seconds.

A few minutes later, I heard an odd noise again, looked round, and dad was in a different place to where I expected. Again, I panicked and thought he'd been kidnapped and replaced by an imposter.

It's now a few hours later, and I'm in bed. I am still scared that the people in my house are imposters. I have seen no evidence that they are fakes, they are behaving and acting exactly like my parents, but I'm scared they aren't.

I don't know how my "real parents" would have been taken or how/why there are imposters, but I am scared that my parents are lying in the woods cold/dying/dead, or in some bad person's house somewhere being hurt, while my "imposter parents" tell me that everything is fine.

I don't know what to do. I'm scared going to sleep, which hasn't happened in a very long time. I can't go back and have a look tomorrow, because it's an hour's drive away (It was on an old RAF base), I can't call the police or anything because a) they aren't going to investigate some kid saying their parents were swapped and b) logically they won't find anything as they weren't swapped.

I suppose that in theory I could get a DNA test kit to see if they are related to me, but that would take a while and I don't know whether they'd agree to it. I suppose it would be the only sure way to get peace of mind though.

I know logically that the people in my house are my genuine parents, and that they weren't kidnapped in the forest. I also know that that trail is a popular dogwalking spot (Citation: I saw 5 dogs, but 4 were with the same owner), so that even if they were there then they would have been spotted and helped. But I can't stop this nagging feeling that my "real parents" are lying in a forest dying and my "fake parents" are waiting for me to go to sleep to murder me.

I can't do anything now, as it's almost 2am. I am going to try to get to sleep. I will try to accept that the people in my house are my parents. Accept that they are not going to kill me. And accept that if they don't kill me then great, and if they do then I won't be bothered for long. It's still hard for me though.

Also, sidenote, I feel this isn't the right sub to post this on. Any ideas where this would fit in better?

Also, I don't expect anyone to read this. If you're reading this note, then thanks for getting this far. Also, I expect a total of 0-1 comments by morning.

Thank you!

8--Analbumcover--812 karma

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