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7elucinations6 karma

what precautions did you take, if any, before you exposed FB? Thank you for your time.

7elucinations6 karma

I am in the interview process to work for an organization that helps survivors of SA and DV but also is LGBT, polyamorous, and kink affirming. While I am a survivor myself, my previous background is in education. However many of my students had complex traumas as they migrated from Central America. What kind of person does it take to do this work? Is someone with my background qualified? What is the best way to administer peer support to a survivor? Thanks so much!

7elucinations3 karma

Hi I am a woman in my twenties, and also Lebanese. I was raised mostly in the states, my Arabic can be broken at times but people are so used to that because there are more Lebanese in the diaspora than in the country itself. Lebanon is so welcoming to foreigners because of this, as well as its ethnic and religious diversity. Not to say there aren’t problems, the electricity is so bad and it can difficult to deal with going in and out multiple times a day. It definitely helps to have someone who speaks Arabic to French or both, but you can by with English. To echo the other comments said here, it’s welcoming to foreigners and like any other foreign country you visit, just avoid the dangerous areas (there aren’t even that many in Lebanon) and you should be fine. Honestly I don’t know any non-Lebanese who didn’t have an amazing time there.

7elucinations3 karma

Ok... with all due respect, this is a very prejudiced, generalizing argument to make about a whole faith. Every single religion, culture, group, has practices that seem “objectively horrible” when you look at them out of context. Nine crusades were waged over proselytizing the land some call Jerusalem. The armed Zionist groups, the Hagana, Stern Gang, and Irgun all planned ethnic cleansing campaigns that included mass eviction, murder, r*pe, and even instances of injecting typhoid germs into 200-year-old aqueducts to “de-Arabise” the land that now encompasses Modern Israel (source: “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” by Ilan Pappe, 2007). So even just looking at the Abrahamic faiths, you can find horrible brutality. That said, can you please exercise some self-reflexivity and see how you saying “I don't hate Muslims but their religion really is more dangerous than others” is problematic? In addition, what is your basis for saying this? Have you even been to “the Middle East” (a term you should stop using if you don’t want to seem racist)? Lastly, yours is a perspective that is also not considering how American and European Imperialism destabilized the region so it culminated into the current situation in the first place, and that is an ignorant stance (ignorance means lack of information, not intelligence). My last statement would require a much deeper tangent to explain, but if I had my laptop I would direct you to my sources and research I did when I did my capstone project in Geneva, Switzerland. I always assume best intentions so I am in no way attacking your character, and also statements like that make you seem prejudiced, and there is no place for that or inappropriate generalizations in a thread where people are coming to be informed. Yes, I know this is Reddit, this happens to be how I choose to interact on it. Have a good night.

7elucinations3 karma

yes! Message me!