Highest Rated Comments

6_ft_4370 karma

When you are sorting the mail in the morning before delivering they will place a card in amongst the mail that tells you where to watch out for dogs that may be aggressive.

I remember having one that told you to not put your fingers inside the mail slot (was on their front door). The first time I went there, I could hear a humongous dog on the other side of the door, I started putting the mail into the slot and the dog ripped it right out of my hands. Definitely startled me.

6_ft_457 karma

I was never leery of dogs until I started delivering mail. More often than not, it seems like all they want to do is rip your head off.

6_ft_425 karma

Acromegaly is not the same thing as gigantism. Gigantism happens with excess growth hormone before the growth plates have closed. Acromegaly occurs after growth plates have closed. If you have acromegaly you aren't tall because of it, that is solely genetics. Acromegaly will cause things such as the forehead, cheekbones and jaw to enlarge and become more pronounced.

6_ft_425 karma

I worked for the USPS for 5+ years, first as a TE, then as a CCA. Please don't ever expect any kind of commendation for a job well done, it'll never happen.

As a TE, I worked in the remote encoding center, and amongst 1500+ other employees with the same job title, I was at the top of all platforms. Never once did I get a damn thing for it.

6_ft_417 karma

I like how you keep working Dogecoin into your responses!

+/u/dogetipbot 10 doge