Highest Rated Comments

6-21-3-11-21119 karma

You should take her to that beach she is talking about, grandson guy.

6-21-3-11-2152 karma

That northwest territory plaque is amazing.

6-21-3-11-216 karma

Do you have basic services? water? electricity? internet?

What's the downside to all this? sounds too good

6-21-3-11-213 karma

Well it is for him... jeez why do people have to project their values into everybody else? with the classic 'oh I provided an analogy, I must be right'.

By this same logic, you shouldn't travel to any country that is corrupt because that money will be wrongly spent too. Also, do people exactly know how the money gets used? I mean, it's cool and all to say it goes to feed Kim Jong Un, heck maybe it does, but if you don't have a source at least stop guilt tripping people that get the chance to go there FFS. As if they were responsible for how NK is. Theyre NOT ,and dont dare sey they contribute to it. Because NK has been this way for decades.

There are places that are really fucked up thanks to their governments, I don't see anyone accusing tourists of that either. In fact, this guy went to NK and may be helping by bringing awareness of the regimen. It is better that NK is known than being under the map. Tourism may help open the country up, by slowly influencing Nk's people view of the other world.

so no. You're wrong, and stop guilt tripping OP.

6-21-3-11-212 karma

Love what you do and you won't have any problems with that. In the professional world nobody cares about grades.