Highest Rated Comments

4pointohsoslow35 karma

Bernies gun policy is far from being republican like.

4pointohsoslow14 karma

This has been pounded into my head since I've started my Soc. Studies. Ed courses. I belive whole heartedly that if you have a real fire in your belly and passion for not only teaching, but also your subject it makes your life so much easier. Not every student will want to learn, but that's the challenge in wanting to engage them by all means necessary. Keep on keeping on OP!

4pointohsoslow7 karma

I'm guessing we won't see any response to this question. Seems like a usual thing when it comes to political AMAs.

4pointohsoslow1 karma

This may be a hot topic especially for a SEAL, but what is your opinion on the whole Chris Kyle Jesse Ventura ordeal? Granted it's over with I'd like to see a SEALs perspective. Also thanks for your service!