Highest Rated Comments

34enjoythelilthings361 karma

Are you still planning on naming your first born son after him?

34enjoythelilthings6 karma

I actually asked you some questions on your last AMA about distribution and manufacturing for your Kickstarter!

I wound up using the company you recommended, got my prototype back, and am launching my Kickstarter next month! Thanks for all your help man, I'm glad to see that you're doing well!

What's your next project look like?

34enjoythelilthings3 karma

I know right! When I saw your AMA I knew I had to comment haha

So this is my personal account so I don't have my business stuff up here and I don't have the Kickstarter published quite yet, BUT here's the link to my website/newsletter about it!

34enjoythelilthings3 karma

We're actually the #1 best seller on Etsy! I only sell PDFs or handmade box kits right now and I'm so excited to have the fancy professional box kits!

But we've sold over 8,000 parties so far and have 700+ 5-star reviews so (not to brag) but if you want to host one, mine are pretty good 😂

34enjoythelilthings3 karma

Thank you so much, I appreciate all the advice you can give!

I didn't even know that you could have a prelaunch page and I've watched like 100 YouTube videos haha I just followed your project as well, it looks so fun!

So cool to reconnect, hope we both get fully funded ASAP!