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34Mbit136 karma

Credit to /u/Tophattingson for coming up with these questions last week:

My questions to nitpick on a ton of other things.

  1. What future (if any) do you see for pharmaceutical research in the UK following a ban on Animal Testing, since clinical trials require that the drug has been tested on Animals and shown to be reasonably safe? According to AR415, you do list a number of potential replacements. However, of the technologies listed, two of them would use humans and the rest of them are completely inadequate for safety testing.

  2. What answer do you have to give to those who will die due to your rejection of Xenotransplantation if you are able to ban it (AR428)?

  3. Does the goal stated in CC100 have priority over human quality of life or rights? Will you protect the environment even in cases where protection requires the removal of human rights and drastic reduction in quality of life?

  4. CMS206 and RR550 contradicts with your party member's campaigns against The Sun's page 3.

  5. CMS611, CMS 612, CMS620, CMS 660 and CMS 662 contradict CMS206 by imposing state control over Mass Media activities, in particular increasing regulations on newspapers and journals. In particular, regulation of journals by OFCOM would stifle the sciences. What takes priority, censorship or anti-censorship?

  6. CMS680 and the rest of your politics on advertising also contradict CMS206.

  7. How will you implement EC658 without causing investors to abandon investing in UK Businesses?

  8. EC663 states that you will implement Full-Reserve banking, despite it's effectiveness being completely unproven. Why are you willing to abandon your precautionary principle for this policy?

  9. Regarding your taxation policies, you will expand corporate and capital tax, despite these being widely regarded by economists as taxes that cause the greatest amount of dead weight loss (and hence the most damage to the economy) of common forms of taxation. How do you intend to mitigate this?

  10. The poor disproportionately buy environmentally unsound products due to their cheaper price. Your eco-taxes will target the poor disproportionately by increasing the costs of basic goods. How do you intend to mitigate this?

  11. EC901 states that competitiveness is a zero sum game, but this contradicts parts of the theory of Comparative Advantage, where even if one country is better at everything than another country, that other country still benefits from producing in areas it's more capable at. Was an economist consulted on this?

  12. How do you intend to gage the success/failure of your education policies following a reduction in standardized testing?

  13. ED101 would lead to mass abandonment / demolition of existing school buildings if secondary schools are to reduce in size. In addition, the requirement of a wide range of specialists as required by ED165 and ED166 would actually benefit from larger schools which can support a wider range of specialists. How do you intend to balance these policies?

  14. ED190 states that religious dietary requirements will be catered for. However, your animal rights policies suggest an opposition to practices such as Dhabihah, so how will dietary requirements be fulfilled without endorsement of slaughter methods you oppose?

  15. With the abandonment of Fossil Fuel and Nuclear, there will be only a small amount of hydroelectric power available to supply the network's base load. How will you ensure that blackouts do not occur during periods of low wind, cloud or night time? Although importing from France is an option, why is it acceptable to use French nuclear power but not British nuclear power?

  16. The "Terminator Gene" is a solution to FA711 A, B and E. Does your party have any opinions on this?

  17. FA711 C is clearly a reference to Roundup Herbicide, and is based on research by widely discredited scientist Giles-Eric Séralini. Why is this part of your policy?

  18. FA713 indicates complete ignorance of the scientific consensus on GM technology. Why do you ignore the scientific consensus on this yet follow it when it comes to Climate Change?

  19. H326 covers regulation of medicine. Will regulations on 'natural' and 'alternative' medicine do the sound thing and implement a complete ban on both, considering these categories entirely consist of medicines which have not been proven to work?

  20. PD205 states that nuclear weapons are disproportionate to any threat. Does this mean nuclear weapons are disproportionate to other nuclear weapons?

  21. Have you analyzed potential threats to the UK following reduction in military strength, abandonment of NATO (PD513) and nuclear disarmament. PD302 appears to only consider threats to us in the context of our current military power, not with the level of military power you intend to bring us to.

  22. How will you enforce PD400 without military threats? Dictators don't listen to pleas.

  23. RR501 is redundant since that law has already been changed.

  24. RR502 implies that you reject asexuality, by asserting that young people will feel either heterosexual or homosexual attraction, or both, but not neither.

  25. Why did you go into the EU elections with an opposition to ITER, despite your commitment to research into new renewable sources of energy?

  26. ST364 asserts that "comprehensive assessment of the safety of GMOs with regards to the environment, biodiversity and human and animal health" has not been done, despite it having been done. What, exactly, are your standards before you will accept that GM technology is safe?

  27. As a followup question, why have you made assumptions that Organic technology is safe despite it being woefully under-evaluated due to appeal to nature? In particular, Rotenone and Copper Sulphate are two very dangerous and environmentally destructive chemicals used in Organic farming.

  28. Does benign technology transfer include Golden Rice (ST370)?

34Mbit42 karma

Thanks for looking at these questions. If I had to pick just one, it would be 21.

Have you analyzed potential threats to the UK following reduction in military strength, abandonment of NATO (PD513) and nuclear disarmament. PD302 appears to only consider threats to us in the context of our current military power, not with the level of military power you intend to bring us to.

If I look forward to your response! If you've already answered a similar question by the time you get to this, then question 11 would be my second choice.

34Mbit3 karma

Surely that's already the role of the NICCE.

34Mbit0 karma

Seeing as Labour is now effectively Momentum, this is very true.